I went to be last night with a headache bigger than a shiner. You'd expect sleep to cure things, but when I woke up after a none too pleasant and really strange dream around 3am, it was still there - worse than ever. Pathetic moanings don't come too easily at that time as you are well and truly still in sleep mode but came they did in some form or other. I faced the light, got a drink, ran through all the options of opting out of work and prayed desperately that I wasn't getting sick which would mean a miserable weekend. Woke up the second time appropriately to my alarm and it was gone.
Eight hours of work. Not too painful. Longish, however Thursdays are the standard: start work with Simone and Mel, Susan joins us around lunchtime and Mel disappears more out the back. Grace comes just as Simone and I are leaving. I spent too much on lunch today, but couldn't face having fried something. I don't know if cheap pasta is any better - and it only tastes good for the first few mouthfuls but sometimes its nice to have a bit of a change.
I dropped off at Croydon on the way home, the Camera House is open until 6pm on Thursdays (Got love that! For once something works to my advantage!). Picked up my photos, the majority of which are for my typology. It's really for my comparitive imaging class (ie: digital) but scanned photos are quite acceptable in my opinion. I am pleased with the photos - some of which are now up on flickr. The two slide films that I put in wont be ready until next week some time.
We had people over for dinner, friends of Wendy's and I think the parentals have met them once before. A missionary family heading back to Vanuatu sometime soon, two boys 9 and 7. Turns out they know the Batcocks - small world. They came to talk homeschooling with Mum, seeing as she happens to be something of wizard on it. This also means we got Chicken and Broccoli (casserole) for dinner which is one of my absoultest favouritest meals in the whole wide world and to top it off, chocolate pudding for desert. What a meal!
Scanned all my photos, which took an age but had to be done. Wow they do such a better job then Kmart. Who cares if it's an extra dollar or two, it's so worth it. Threw together my typology which means I can somewhat console myself with not a complete disattention to anything homework related.
See. I think it's cool.
Tomorrow I pack, go register my car (maybe in the other order), then drive to Chirnside and pick up the lovely Susannah and then proceed down to Torquay - which means I shall not be online until probably Sunday night. I have yet to work out if I can make it to Tom's 21st (sorry Tom for such late notice!) but if I do, that means backtracking by my ownsome to Geelong somewhere.
I am so ready for the break, I am so not going to think about all the assignments I've procrastinated on.
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