
Saturday, April 15, 2006

Nothing deep here

Sorry in advance to do another, 'what I did today' thing. Took off shopping with Mum, Han and Sam. Went to Ikea, it wasn't very interesting this time. Their meatballs are superb though. I could eat bucketloads. Went Bridge Road Shopping, which varies from reasonable to horrendously expensive. Bought some wintery things and finally found a coat/jacket which I've been after for ages. So it was a sucessful trip, but Sam was being a grump and a zombie (and knows it) so not quite as fun as it could've been. I really do shop with intent, if I don't find what I am looking for, the whole day = flop and a waste of time. Alas I did spend more money then I intended.


At 4/15/2006 11:59:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my. That is just priceless that you classify the shopping on Bridge Rd by the prices :D


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