
Friday, April 14, 2006


This afternoon I had some old photos out as I was scanning a 'favourite' and Hannah says to me, "You look more like you did back then, then you used to." This I think, is a mighty fine compliment as I was a cute kid up until about 5, then something changed :P And no you do not get photos of the 7-13 or more ages, don't even ask.


At 4/14/2006 09:58:00 pm, Blogger Achi Myachi said...

My gosh you are so cute!

You've inspired me to look for some of my own when I go home tuesday...

At 4/14/2006 11:59:00 pm, Blogger Bella said...

which one are you Bec? [excuse the ignorance :S]

you're all adorable either way!

At 4/15/2006 06:06:00 pm, Blogger Bec said...

far right.


emily (nearly 18 now woah!), laura (the twinables), bec (me)


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