
Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Please update all your links/rss feeds etc... to: this blog now resides there and shall be updated there (NOT HERE) please excuse the frequent change of templateish stuff as I stuff around and ignore the bits that are there that shouldn't be. big thanks again to Geoff!

Slinky Malinki

Check this out! The world might finally be coming to some sense. The refusal of 'too skinny' models is the best news I've heard in ages for this kind of crap . (I don't follow the fashion world at all and generally regard with huge contempt.) Lets see, if this takes off - I might even allow myself to look in the occasional magazine when I find myself in a waiting room. Mind you... I'll have to add an extra 5 years so the subscription dates are old enough to make it there.

All Said is Moving!

So some recent investigations into moving across Wordpress have extended to the greater application of shifiting not only the blog, but aquiring such a thing as a domain name. Of which I am utterly indebted to an 'almost' present from Geoff (I think he's pretty good! Now go read his blog!). So... be on the look out for: (when it gets through and when I get to putting things up). This blogspot address with cease to be updated when this happens, so while you remember, update your feeds and your links (so I still get your traffic :P). And so comes room for redesigning... I think I'll probably keep things relatively familiar. Any suggestions, please shoot them my way.