
Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Goodbye Einstein

I suppose I'd better do a 'credit the goldfish' post. I flushed a rather dead, less orange than before Einstein (one of my fish) the other night. I had two fish both of which I'm rather impressed they've lasted so long, almost two years! I rarely feed them now and forget to clean the tank (or remember but just can't be bothered). To be really honest, I've been kind of hoping they'd die so I can reclaim some desk space - the tank I have is pretty big. Archimedes the white fish lives on. Am I really that cruel?


At 6/14/2006 02:33:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're not wrong, that fish doesn't look very orange at all. In fact, that hardly even looks like a fish....

Doing a boring database install at work, so my humour is currently set to "lame"

At 6/14/2006 04:08:00 pm, Blogger analise said...

at least he lasted longer then 10 days :P

At 6/14/2006 06:52:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone call the RSPCA!

Thats much worse than cruel.

Think of the fish! I hope you get nightmares now

At 6/14/2006 07:06:00 pm, Blogger Bec said...

golly I'm coping a lot of crap from you all!

What do you want me to do? Flush it alive!

At 6/14/2006 08:13:00 pm, Blogger Meika said...

ha ha ha

bec. just flush it. or feed it to a cat, but thats crueler.

if you dont want it, kill it. :P

how horrible :P

At 6/15/2006 03:00:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you hear that dastardly sounding voice in the back of your head?

"Flush Armchimedes and there will be consequences. I will get you".

It's your conscience.


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