I bought Photoshop today (CS2 suite). Got to love student prices. Should hopefully arrive in a few days. It's about time I own the worlds most magnificent computer program. I've used it so much and I've missed not ever having it at home.
I also decided today, after looking at the times Mitch (Deakin photographic equipment guy) has his 'store' open that I would go and find myself an analog (film) SLR to save me the utter pain of borrowing one every few weeks. ALL his opening times are extremely bad for me. So I now own an old (1980's) Minolta X700 that I'll hopefully be able to work out as it looks horribly confusing compared to anything digital. I think I have chosen something appropriate, and the lens on it looks okay. If not, I have 30 days to work that out. So that impromptu trip to Cash Converters set me back $45. Which is not too bad. Hooray for there being 30% off. Biggest problem is that it did not come with a lens cap, which is rather inconvienient but I dare say I can find one on ebay or similar. Quite exciting really. I get this thrill out of holding new (well old) technology - particularly when it belongs to me. Something about cameras can strike awe even into the clueless.
Of course my bank card is still in the process of returning to me by means of replacement so it looks like I'll have some debt repayment.
And no, of course I haven't forgotten about needing to buy a car! :S
Argh - cash converters bad!!!
I bought a 4gb creative mp3 player for "half price" $125. Got it home, and it only had 103mb in it!!!
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