Ramblings of the day
Caught up with Analise yesterday for lunch after church. I was rather excited when Laura told me she saw her car out the front. I guess I've missed her good natured company more than I've realised. She and I ended up at LaPorchettas. Ate too much food and had a good chat/catch up. Uni's treating her fairly well. She's going to do some church hunting though as the AOG up in whatever little town near Wodonga she's in, isn't really her thing.
Had a really good chat with Jess this morning coupled of course with some Dionne Warwick. Beats Bollywood soundtracks that's for sure.
My one 1hr lecture today was entirely useless. Basic basic photoshop. I snoozed and watched the people out in the hall to pass the time. Jen was sitting behind me (I came in a bit late). Good to see a more familiar face even if I don't really know her that well. Deakin's parking sucks. Every second car was parked illegally, our bowling alley carpark was full (Bah to Luskie who got a spot!) so we ended up braving a park in Red Rooster up the road. They have a half hour limit there. I'm waiting for a message back from Jess to let me know if we managed to avoid a fine. Hopefully.
I finally got my concession card all sorted and was just in time to grab the Belgrave train from. Had to get off at Ringwood so in the spare 15 minutes I ran most of the way through Eastland to the other side where Teds (the photo/camera shop) is. Bought some film. They didn't have any 55mm lens caps so ran back and just got back in time.
Had the funniest train ride then, whereby the whole of my end of the carriage was watching this guy who was asleep on the seats. He half fell off and got back on, still entirely out to it. Moved around, curled his legs up and rolled over and moved some more. His head and half his body was hanging of the side. A school girl was sitting nearby quite unpreterbed and slid across whenever he shuffled his legs and spread further out. I was laughing (silently, as you do), more grinning and 'sharing the moment' with a few others. It took him a good while, but he finally fell off the seat entirely with a massive thud and woke up. Mumbled something to the girl and a couple of guys asked him where he was getting off, "Glenferrie". "Uhh, you're on the wrong train mate." Quite amusing.
I decided quite on whim to get off at Croydon and check the Camera House place they have there and found the cap I was after. Then another wait for a train and then home.
Dropped by Sam's place on the walk home and she came down for dinner. Dinner was absolutely hillarious. Namely due to the conversation that followed the exposure of our very disturbing (and ridiculous) ferret calendar that lives in our bathroom. Laura and I have surupticiously been graffitiing "Dumb Ferret" messages across the pictures for the past few weeks and we intend to leave a pen stuck with blutac to the wall to aid the process. I don't know who is responsible for buying the thing but it has the most random and stupid captions. I laughed til I cried and Sam couldn't breathe so I think she was nearly there. Conversation degenerated therein when 'bathroom' became the subject. I have a crazy family.
My little 15 year old sister has a gig! Her highness has been asked to sing (solo) for one of her friends' sisters wedding. Not at the reception as entertainment, but as she's walking down the aisle!!! Hannah is of course freaked that she'll screw it up, but I think is rather excited all the same. We all are I think, but like we'd let her know. So I think we'll be hearing the jazz song, "At Last" a lot in the next few weeks. She has a very curious voice the old Hannah. Not very typical.
And that'll do for now. Hazzard Perception tomorrow. Still have to work out where to get off the tram. It's about time Rebecca!
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