
Friday, January 27, 2006

Beans and Broccoli

I am not going to work today. I set the alarm for just before 9:00 and had a good think about whether I was okay or not, came to the conclusion that I'd better give myself some time although I am feeling vastly better than yesterday. Did all the random jobs. The washing has gotten wet two times in a row now, I've given up on it. Yesterday when it poured I was in no frame of mind to go running out to rescue it. I can live in whatever other clothes I've got. Half of it isn't mine anyway. I had the great idea to wash everyone's smelly towels while they were gone so the bathroom could be all mine. Now it keeps spitting, I figured I couldnt' leave them in the machine any longer, and couldn't justify using the dryer so they are on the verandah (did I spell that right?!). Dinner last night consisted of the only thing I could stomach. Which I worked out to be veggies. Nothing like broccoli and beans... :\ I got to sleep around 10:30-11:00. Managed four hours. Woke up really hot. Moved the fan into my room, decided it was stupid trying to sleep when I couldn't so got online (how sad) for an hour and had a chat to Tony. Went back to bed around 4am and slept until my alarm went. There's the what I did kind of info - writing this is quite strange sometimes. I am thinking of back-dating to the long spiel I wrote in my journal, but that calls for a new post. So backward ho.


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