
Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Back there

Some of you know that after quitting my job I am now in a 'hobby/business' partnership with my Mum selling (mainly) kids books on ebay. Anyway for about 20 listings last week I got about $100 - which is as much as I was getting with my previous job excluding travel costs and time specific settings. So I'm pretty happy. I'm even more happy to see that some Grug books I have up at the moment have passed the $70 mark - this is for three small, a little worse for wear paperback picture books. HipHooray! People are stupid when they want something that bad. A very sore throat has also returned. It seems that 2006 is the year for getting sick. This would be me reaching the 5 times or so and it's only just turned June. Disappointing. I wound up at Tabor today. Quite intentionally. I have to get a refree for an ESA junior camp I'm leading on soon. Rowan was busy but I managed to locate Tilla. Oh was it good to see her! So she wrote nice stuff on my form and I had a true Caf style 'chicken burrito' lunch. Ran into Marko and Clare (unfortunately didn't get to see Matt). Had lunch with Clare and April and some other girl. I stayed and used the library to study - which was a supremely good idea. And if anyone fires an acronym at me I think I'll blow it - multimedia is so choked with them. I took half an hour or so out of study and went to Gathering (or Chapel or whatever you like to call it). It was a nice feeling to be back - but very different. More study and as I was leaving ran in to catch Rowan. He looked really tired. Last day of the semester for the '06 YITS Crew. Said hi to Chrissy, Gabby and Dylan. A good time to pray for them (if you happen to know any - or even if you don't) the mid-year break was a difficult one for almost everyone and the tradition I'm sure keeps up. Very productive, enjoyable day. Young Adults tonight. Three cheers for everything being vaguely social. Perhaps I am an extrovert afterall!


At 6/07/2006 10:10:00 pm, Blogger hancakes said...

the Grug's worked their magic on me, now they'll do it again for you. I think it's a ploy to get us involved in the book know, dangle the goods to keep you in there.

You're not home yet, but hello for when you are.

love the little one

At 6/07/2006 11:38:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grug books - how could you possibly sell Grug books. The one to look out for is "Grug and his sports". Very limited edition. Only one printed. Sits at mum and dad's house. Was written by a remarkably bright prep kid. Very good read!

At 6/08/2006 11:30:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

*laughs at geoffs comment*

At 6/08/2006 11:46:00 am, Blogger Bec said...

you know sam... you can get blogger to remember you!


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