
Monday, October 31, 2005

One life

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” – Mary Oliver "If you don't know where you're going, it doesn't matter which way you go." – Lewis Caroll (The Cheshire Cat) “I would have cried and laughed less while watching television – and more while watching life.” - Erma Bombeck
Been tackling writing a personal mission/vision statement. I haven't managed to reach the explanation part of it (despite my prequel rambling of a thought process). This is it thus far: I will live with integrity and understanding of where I stand in relation to God. I will make a difference to the individuals around me by actively listening and putting their needs before my own. I will develop and use any means of communication that have been given to me to positively influence and impact others. I will never be content with a bystander attitude or a passive existence. I will allow myself to fail in order that I might grow. I will seek to develop my character and discover my potential but not allow it to control me. I will glorify God in all areas of life: spiritually, physically, emotionally and mentally. What think you?


At 11/01/2005 12:51:00 am, Blogger Meika said...

so bec.. what happened to blogging less?

not that i care... anyway for me to read some of your stuff!

your personal mission thingy is good.. now to just change it enough to make it apply to me..

*laughs* nah, just kidding...

your great bec, but not all good, cause that would mean you couldnt be challenged anymore...

At 11/04/2005 11:23:00 am, Blogger Meika said...

comment 2 from me on this

i realise, after completeing my own mission vision statement thingy, how different we are. how different eveyone is.

i didnt copy you, in fact i even forgot what yours said.


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