
Friday, December 17, 2004

love, the Grinch

Well, I wrote this down - must have been on the 15th. and I think I might just copy it. Coming home from Grandma's, was looking at the Christmas lights. I think most of them are pretty ugly - gaudy. Mum makes a big fuss over them. Really the nicest ones are the simple ones. No santas, no flashing pulsating lights, not in excess. Anyway, I looked up and the sky is brilliantly clear - stars. It sort of struck me that, that's God's perfect Christmas decoration. I mean really it's perfect. :) God has good taste. Even better, these decorations aren't taken down, they are there all year round. Its a cool reminder, that wow. what an amazing gift we have been given and why dont we take that time 'not just at Christmas' to remember. Hannah I doubt that you'll ever read this, but this is what I was thinking when I was saying how I dont like various decorations. You calling me 'the Grinch' had a purpose.


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